
The Vale Golf & Country Club




The Seniors Section has over 150 members containing mainly 5-day members but with a number of 7-day members. Whilst the minimum age for all our formal competitions & team matches is 55, we welcome anyone who wants to play with us on a Monday regardless of age or ability.  We also welcome any friends or relatives of a member as a guest for the day, (they will, of course, have to pay a Green Fee).

Within the section handicaps vary from single figures to 40, with an average of 21.  Players of all abilities mix freely and are encouraged to do so.  Whilst we firmly believe golf should be a social game, we also have a healthy respect for it to be played in a competitive spirit and to the Rules of Golf.

Monday Meetings

We meet on a Monday morning throughout the year (unless there is a Bank Holiday). The first tee off time is 8.00am in “summer” and 8.30am in “winter”, using a 2 tee start.  Because of the size of the section it is necessary to have reasonably formal arrangements on the weekly competition days. These arrangements ensure that a member plays with a variety of other members during the course of a year, which enables the members to get to know each other.


We arrange 32 friendly matches against local clubs both home and away. Teams are chosen attempting to give all members a chance to play throughout the course of the year.  Also match play events involving other sections of the club are organised and enhance sociability.

Other Functions

The Section organises a formal “Away-Day” with 18 holes and a dinner normally held in June/July. Also the Section’s equivalent of “Captain’s Day” is held in September/October. This is held at the Club and played over the 18 hole ‘Country Course’.  The only formal social event is the annual Christmas lunch in December. This is preceded by the new Captain’s “Drive-In” and by an 18 hole “shot-gun start” Scramble.

Organisation of the Section

The section is run by a committee including a Captain who serves for one year. Committee members serve for up to four years although this is extended in the case of a member who becomes Captain.  The Captain, Vice-Captain and committee are elected at our AGM which is held prior to the Club AGM.  The Captain & Vice Captain serve on the Club’s Management Committee together with those of the Men’s Section & Ladies Section and Club representatives.

If you have any questions or would like to contact the Vale Seniors Section please email 

Seniors Captain - Bryn Keast

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