18 Hole Stableford competition played on the International Course.
Team of 2 Ladies – 1 Stableford score to count on each hole.
The competition is open to all handicaps but limited to a maximum handicap index of 31.7. Playing handicap will be 85% of course handicap.
All competitors must have an official WHS handicap index and must be a bone fide member of an affiliated Golf Club. Competitors should have returned a minimum of 4 qualifying scores, in the 12 months prior to the competition.
Entry fee is £20 per visitor and £15 per member
Secure preferred tee time on-line (maybe subject to change at organiser's discretion)
Nearest the pin and longest drive prizes. Twos competition
Raffle for the Lady Captain’s charity - The St. Richard's Hospice
Food will be available at the club from 7.30am
Buggy requirements: please phone the Vale Pro Shop on 01386 462520
Scorecards to be input via terminal in the club house after playing round
Application Process Book Online, Pay by Bank transfer
Submit your application and book your start times on line - no need to print and post your application!
Make your payment by bank transfer - no need to post a cheque!
The bank details for payment are as follows:-
Sort Code: 30 93 11
Account number: 01507588, The Vale Ladies
Bank Reference Important information.
The reference you input when making payment via your bank should consist of five numbers
It is important for us to be able to assign the application to the payment. Use this competition reference number 4
Your selected tee time is four numbers e.g. a tee time of 9.20am will be 0920, a selected tee time of 1pm will be 1300
The following is an example of competition reference using the above criteria - a tee time of 9.20am would be 40920
Option to pay by cheque
If you prefer to pay by cheque, please make your cheque payable to The Vale Ladies. Post date your cheque to the 12 July 2023. Reference the back clearly with the competition number and selected tee time as per the above example i.e. 50920. Cheques should be sent for the attention of Pauline Perla, Willow House, Blacksmiths Lane, Lower Moor, Worcestershire, WR10 2PA.
Note - If payment has not been received within two weeks of the online application the tee time will be revoked. No refund will be given after 16th July 2024. Please ensure any name changes are notified early as possible, thank you.
For further information, contact Audrey Sidwell - audrey.sidwell@gmail.com
18 Hole Stableford competition played on the International Course.
Team of 2 Ladies – 1 Stableford score to count on each hole.
The competition is open to all handicaps but limited to a maximum handicap index of 31.7. Playing handicap will be 85% of course handicap.
All competitors must have an official WHS handicap index and must be a bone fide member of an affiliated Golf Club. Competitors should have returned a minimum of 4 qualifying scores, in the 12 months prior to the competition.
Application Process
Book Online, Pay by Bank transfer
Submit your application and book your start times on line - no need to print and post your application!
Make your payment by bank transfer - no need to post a cheque!
The bank details for payment are as follows:-
Sort Code: 30 93 11
Account number: 01507588, The Vale Ladies
Bank Reference Important information.
Option to pay by cheque
If you prefer to pay by cheque, please make your cheque payable to The Vale Ladies. Post date your cheque to the 12 July 2023. Reference the back clearly with the competition number and selected tee time as per the above example i.e. 50920. Cheques should be sent for the attention of Pauline Perla, Willow House, Blacksmiths Lane, Lower Moor, Worcestershire, WR10 2PA.
Note - If payment has not been received within two weeks of the online application the tee time will be revoked. No refund will be given after 16th July 2024. Please ensure any name changes are notified early as possible, thank you.
For further information, contact Audrey Sidwell - audrey.sidwell@gmail.com